21 weeks and counting!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I am finally past the halfway point and am SO happy for it. Pregnancy seems to be the longest waiting game there is but I suppose Dave and I aren't ready to be through the wait just yet anyway. We've done some fun stuff since finding out that we are having a girl. We've chosen a name, Padma Maya, and we've registered at Babies r' Us - which was really exciting because we got to walk around with a little gun so we could point and shoot at all the cute stuff we wanted. I've been feeling Padma wiggle, squirm, and kick in my stomach for about a month now, but yesterday morning Dave felt her kick for the first time. He was so thrilled to finally be able to experience some REAL signs of life - other than my burgeoning belly. We ordered a Fetal Doppler Monitor online and are anxiously awaiting it's arrival. We plan on starting every day with a quick listen of Padma's heartbeat. Finally, the most fun thing I've done so far is SHOP! I've purchased some really cute clothes and Padma's first shoes, and a starter kit of the diapers we plan to use. They are called Little G Diapers and they are semi cloth/ semi disposable. The good news is that the cloth part stays on all day - so no huge pile of stinky diapers to wash everyday - and the disposable part can be flushed, composted, or thrown in the garbage. If the latter option is chosen, the diaper is completely biodegradable and will be completely gone in 50-150 days! Follow this link if you'd like to see how they work - http://www.gdiapers.com/. Here is a picture of my belly at 21 weeks.