and so the madness begins...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Today I had my first real appointment with the midwives and it was wonderful! I met with Kelly and she was so attentive, concerned, interested, and respectful! Not to mention, she made me feel better about gaining more weight than I had wanted to this month (6 lbs.) and she spent 40 minutes with me! At my last practice, the doctors would be in the office with me for 5-10 minutes max. I am sad that I wasted so much of my pregnancy in a place I wasn't comfortable.

Tonight Dave and I start our HypnoBirthing ( class and we are excited but also nervous. I am not exactly sure what to expect - but I think it will be some meditation and breathing exercises. And with the extra stress recently, it may be just what we need.

We closed on our new (to us) house on Friday and we are SO excited but extremely overwhelmed with all the work we have ahead of us. The house was built in 1879 and has been beautifully restored but still needs some work here and there - though luckily, nothing major! Dave and I are packing and bringing boxes over slowly until Jen (my sister), her boyfriend, my brother, Sean, and his fiance come to help with the "official" move on April 18th. The very next weekend, I fly to Florida for my sister's graduation. And then begins May: in which I have to somehow have two baby showers, graduate, finish packing, and get as far into nursery set-up as we possibly can before the fatigue and discomfort of that last month starts! I need a nap just thinking about it.

In funny news, Dave was in a mustache contest at work and I have never seen him look more frightening. Really! Take a gander at the facial hair nightmare below!


Jackie Lamptey said...

I think Dave's mustache can change the world. I have faith in his facial hair. You should, too.