Even More Pictures...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

So Dave and I have been going crazy taking pictures of our sweet little Panda Bear (yeah - she's already been nicknamed). She's so beautiful and it's hard to resist capturing everything she does on film. We still haven't gotten a video camera so our digital cameras are being heavily employed. Today, I think Dave and I finally decided that she's a redhead. It was hard to tell and we didn't want to commit until we were sure, but her hair really seems to be strawberry blonde. Dave took the pictures below. We want to have these three printed and framed for the dining room. The rest of the shots can be seen by following the link below. Enjoy!


Nina said...

She is so beautiful, she looks like she has gained some weight. Keep taking the pictures I love seeing her and how much she changes every day. Give her a big kiss from her Nina