My Little-Big Girl!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I just watched Padma roll over twice in a row from belly to back! I just started laughing hysterically. I couldn't even stop. Until I did, and then I cried. I cannot believe how quickly this is all going by. I am so happy to see her growing and healthy but I am so sad to see it happen at such an alarming rate. I don't have a video camera yet so I don't have a video of her rolling over so you'll just have to take my word for it. It was MAGIC! :)

Also, with Halloween this weekend, we got her a costume. We really wanted to get her an adorable goldfish costume I found online but by the time I went to order it, it was gone. :( So I found the next best thing. She'll be a peacock this year. Here's a picture of the costume. She makes a pretty adorable peacock!